Monday, April 2, 2018

March 2018 Favorites

Here are some of my favorites for March 2018:

1. Hits Deep Tour - I have become a concert junkie. I love them and have especially enjoyed Christian concerts. At the beginning of March A friend and I went to the Hits Deep Tour. It was great to see all of these artists. I love Toby Mac, but all of the artists were fantastic! Each of them have had a song that has had an impact on me.

2. Portable Speaker - I bought this portable speaker at the end of 2017. I love to take it with me in the basement for my workouts. It is reasonably priced and it is nice that it moves with me. I listen to music while working out and podcasts when I am getting ready in the morning. 

3. Clementines - I love clementines! This has been my favorite sweet treat. Even my co-worker leaves them for me once in a while on my desk.

4. John B. Crist - These past couple weeks have been a little stressful so when I was happy to come across comedian John Crist. I have watched his videos and have been a little obsessed. Sometimes you just need a good laugh. His videos are relatable to me. Check him out on YouTube and watch his parking lot road rage video.

5. Music - I have been listening to "I Just Need You" by TobyMac and "Get Down" by Finding Favour on repeat. This month has had it's ups and downs and these songs have been great reminders that no matter what I need him and to keep praying.