Monday, April 6, 2015

Sweet Temptations

B and I went to my in-laws for Easter and it was tough for me! My mother-in-law is an amazing cook and always has goodies around the house. I told B to give me the look if he caught me in the peanut M&M's since she always has those out. When we arrived we sat down in the living room and there were three bowls of candy. Two filled with jelly beans and one with those darn peanut M&M's.

I would have been good if I hadn't eaten the peanut M&M my father-in-law threw at me. Once I start eating them I cannot stop!! Next time I plan to throw it away. I ended up eating a couple handfuls of those and when went into the dining room to find a plate full of sugar cookies and scotcharoos. Sugar cookies are some of my favorite cookies. So I ate one (or three) of those!

For dinner I ordered sweet & sour chicken and of course I had to enjoy the fortune cookie. My fortune was good! We ended the night with a game of euchre, wine, and more sugar cookies. It is so hard for me to say no to sweets! Once I start I just keep going and going like the energizer bunny. 

When I woke up on Easter morning I immediately had my hand in the goodie jar. You think I would know better especially since breakfast was Mom's homemade caramel rolls. She generally only makes these during the holidays though so I enjoyed a few since we probably won't see them until Thanksgiving. 

After we decided to play a few more games of euchre before dinner. I tried to put the candy dish at the other end of the table, but somehow it ended up right next to me. Growl! I looked over saw a Milky Way and was done. I love Milky Way and Twix and started eating them like I'd never see them again. I tried thinking about my goal of getting in the 150's this month, but it wasn't working. When my husband got up to refill his water I made him grab me a piece of gum. Finally something helped!

Dinner was delicious! My mother-in-law and sister-in-law make homemade potato rolls, which the entire family loves! That is what B ate all weekend since he is not a sweets person. After dinner there was pie and more cookies. I ate my pie pretty quickly though and forgot to take a picture. It was a chocolate creme pie. Yummy! I love chocolate!

My mother-in-law tried to send us home with a goody bag, but we didn't let her. :) When we got home I immediately put my workout clothes on so I was ready for a workout and headed downstairs about 30 minutes after we got home. I had planned on doing my normal 5k walk/run, but since I was so naughty I did a 6k. 

I cannot handle having junk food around me. I don't make anything sweet or buy it. I am the only one that eats it and I cannot control myself around it. So anything that I know I have no control over is not allowed in the house. This means no sweets and no chips. I have no self control over these types of things and since my husband doesn't eat them I don't have them around. 

How do you avoid temptations? Do you have any secrets to help you not over indulge?


  1. Chocolate! It's better for me to have none! One bite and I can't stop. I try to always bring a healthy alternative to all holidays.

    1. I need to start bringing healthy treats to my family functions! Especially my in-laws!
